You’ve Adopted a BYOD Mobile Strategy. Now What?
If you are among the 74 percent of organizations using or adopting a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy then you know that the key to a successful enterprise mobile strategy is understanding not only technology, but also human nature.1
When employees are allowed to use their personal smartphone or tablet for work there’s a marked uptick to employee productivity and satisfaction. In fact, 65 percent of BYOD employees say mobile devices have improved enterprise efficiency, and another 51 percent say they have improved customer service.2
Clearly, BYOD is both a technology and business strategy. When planned properly, the results can be powerful and transformative. Compelling reasons for an organization to adopt a BYOD policy include benefits such as increased productivity and greater responsiveness to colleagues and customers, all without the upfront cost of buying smart devices for employees.
However, there is a catch. Organizations today must recognize that these are highly personal devices, a perception that affects everything from regulatory compliance to security and employee trust. These BYOD challenges pose concerns that could undermine bottom-line benefits for employers and job satisfaction for the workforce. Low participation also can increase costs because now the employer might have to consider providing employees with corporate liable devices to achieve the benefits of having a mobile-enabled workforce.
The good news is that financial services, government agencies, hospitals and other organizations have several options for balancing employee privacy concerns with business and regulatory realities. And driven by a workforce craving greater flexibility and technological agility, industry leaders are increasingly integrating mobility into their workforce support and business applications. To learn more about these practical and soon-to-be standardized options including dual persona technology, read my full post on Your Daily Tech.
1 Tech Pro Research study, November 2014.
2 According to an online Pulse survey of 251 business and IT professionals conducted in May and June of 2014 by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services across a variety of industries in North America.